“The Third Bullet” is a certain political documentary about the assassination of the first democratically elected Serbian Prime Minister, Zoran Djindjic, who was assassinated on March 11th, 2003. The author of the film follows the trail of the perpetrators of the Zemun criminal clan in Serbia in order to find out what the political subtext is and whether, as claimed by the head of the personal security of the Prime Minister of Serbia Milan Veruovic, there was no second shooter in addition to those convicted of the attack 20 years ago. The assassination of the modernizer of Serbia, who wanted the Europeanization and the exit of the country from the dark shadows of the wars of the 1990s in the former Yugoslavia, which returned the wars and ethnic conflicts to the European continent after the end of the Second World War. The assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic halted the process of finding a solution to Kosovo’s status and brought nationalist and pro-Russian forces back into Serbian political life. The authors of the film connect the image of Djindjic through his speeches in the year before he was killed and together with the memories of his closest political associates such as Zoran Živković, who succeeded him as prime minister, as well as the head of the investigative police team Mile Novaković and the last journalist interviewed him weeks before he was killed looking for answers to questions about the attack. Will the outcome of the Balkan fairy tale about Serbia and the region of Southeast Europe become clear? If there was a second shooter and who was the political guarantor of the assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, you will find out after watching the film “The Third Bullet” by BNT and its author Nikolay Krastev.
Forum screening, participation on invitation.