Call for films

The call for films for the 17th edition is now open !

International Human Rights Film Festival Albania proudly accepts entries on FilmFreeway, the world’s #1 way to enter film festivals and creative contests.

No further preliminaries on the film’s content, style or techniques apply.
Film productions completed after January 1, 2020 are admissible to this 2022 edition.
Films and videos may be submitted for selection, by the film-makers themselves, by producers, distributors or their legal representatives. Please note that films and videos can’t have been published on public platforms (such as YouTube, etc) prior to screening at the festival.

Each year, one day is dedicated to a specific theme. For the upcoming edition in 2022, the main focus will be Youth and Human Rights.
Considering latest developments in the world, a Special dedication to Ukraine through documentaries and Ukraine Cinema will be scheduled.

Films related to various human rights issues will be screened during the other 5 days of the festival.
No entry fees are requested for submitting films or videos projects.

The festival doesn’t pay screening fees to applicants.
Viewing copy shall be subtitled in English.
The application and all the necessary documents and the viewing copy must be submitted to IHRFFA, by June 30th, 2022


Until 30 June 2022



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