Day 3

Day 3 – Wednesday 22 September

During the day:

  • Forum at the School of Magistrates ; screening the film THE CODE followed by a discussion
  • Forum at the Academy of Film Marubi with participation of the High School Ismail Qemali ; Screening of short films WHY IT TAKES TIME JUST TO GO SOMEWHERE and MARDHË followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers
  • Forum at Destil Creative Hub in cooperation with POLIS University ; Screening of films ONE INFINITE and RECIPE FOR HATE followed by a discussion

In the evening:

Screenings at the Academy of Film and Multimedia Marubi, as well as in the garden of the Prime Minister’s Office


22 Shtator 2021, 18:00


Academy of Film and Multimedia Marubi, School of Magistrates, Destil Creative Hub, Garden of the Prime Minister's Office

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